English 3, Post 5 [Final], Choice of two topics [#2]


Dear Earthlings from FCQF!

As the title so eloquently suggests, this time there is a choice that you will have to make, either 'a career-oriented website', or 'an expert person in your field of study'. 

Topic A: Tell us about a career-oriented website you enjoy visiting. 

Include this information:

·        Describe the website and provide the link.

·        How often do you visit it?

·        Explain why you like the site.

·        Who would you recommend it to?

Upload pictures (optional)

Topic B: Tell us about an expert/person in your field that you admire

Include this information:

·        Why do you admire this person?

·        What has this person done/contributed?

·        Provide a short biography of this person

       Upload pictures (optional)

Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post

Word Count: 160 words (minimum)

"This time it is not necessarily a career-oriented web site but a YouTube channel (which is in fact, a website for videos) and it is called ‘Wisecrack’. Particularly interesting material for this channel and that gives it all its funny flavour while learning is a funny man and this is ‘Thug Notes: Classic Literature, Original Gangster’, a black dude who provides a thorough analysis to every single literature classic masterpiece.

It is actually hilarious to see a book review/analysis is done with such professional treatment, though, under an extremely colloquial tone. It is as if someone exploits a 'seemingly uneducated' stereotype and puts it in an academic field. It is counter-intuitive, at first, to see how a fully-fledged expert provides such an insightful analysis in such an unusual fashion.

Since my major actually is on English Literature, it was a huge pleasure to see, for example, how ‘1984’ is deconstructed under a point of view that takes a dystopian character, at first sight, a human tragedy, and turns it into a hilarious review. I highly recommend this channel for you to have a good laugh". 

What about you?



  1. It sounds interesting the topic of the channel, i like the analysis with a bit of fun so I´m going to take a look at it!

  2. Thank you so much for the recommendation. I enjoy watching videos of this kind while I study, and I was running out of them.

  3. I went to take a peek at the channel you mentioned, and even though I didn't quite catch everything, it was entertaining to see how he talked hahaha

  4. thanks for the recommendation! it's nice to find a new way to learn and have fun at the same time.

  5. I saw the channel and I found it very interesting! thanks for the recommendation.

  6. I like this kind of videos as well, but the ones I watch are about films, they are funny and interesting!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I have loved this channel, I have been watching their videos for more than an hour :D

  9. The channel sounds very interesting. I personally prefer to watch videos on youtube about reactions and musical analysis of songs, I like them more, although occasionally I watch some videos about reviews and analysis of movies and series, so this recommendation will definitely be on my "watch later" list.

  10. I haven't seen the channel yet but the review you give generates a desire to know what the content of that website is all about.

  11. Thank you very much for your recommendation. It is greatly appreciated, and I find it refreshing as it goes beyond the usual. This is very entertaining for me.


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